EAST COAST MOTIONS VIDEO PRODUCTION / OWNER/OPERATOR Producer of Cable Television Programming. National Broadcast Stringer for CBS, MTV, ESPN and Weather Channel. Managed Sales, Editorial and Office Staff.
WV MEDIA / TRAVEL AND SPORTS EDITOR Associated Press Photojournalism Award, Produced Feature Length Documentaries. Also daily deadline Television Sports and News Reports.
AT&T MEDIA SERVICES / CREATIVE SERVICES MANAGER Built and staffed regional video production facility. Managed Commercial Advertising and Infomercial Productions for Local Access Channels and Cable Television Networks. Responsibilities Included Print Projects, Digital Media Encoding, Budgeting, Hiring and Staffing.
FIRST INTERNET SERVICE / NATIONAL MARKETING DIRECTOR Products included: Internet Backbone Gateway, Hosted and Dedicated Server Program, Virtual Private Networks, Business and Commercial Internet Service, Web Hosting. Professional Trainer for all offered services and managed Internet, Print, Television and Radio Advertising. Responsible for Press Releases, News Announcements and Public Relations.
SURFDOG MEDIA / DIGITAL MEDIA CONSULTING AND TRAINING Services and Projects include Ohio Tech Prep Teacher Certifications, West Virginia Northern Community College Staff and Student Trainer. Taught Microsoft Expression Web Design and Adobe Photoshop. Broadcast Media, Social Media and Web Production clients include 7 Springs Mountain Resort, River City Restaurant and Banquets, Fireman Creative, The law firm of Gold Khoury and Turak, Sandcastles Resort, The McKeen Group, and West Virginia Northern Community College.