Body of Work

Body of Work

My work has aired on ESPN, MTV, CBS, The NFL Network, The Weather Channel and Others. Content is King, when you have one of a kind footage it usually gets pretty far up the food chain. Over the years I have built a reputation for getting the goods and I get call backs from my Network Contacts when they need quality footage.

I grew up working and living on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. This small town’s economy is based on tourism, commercial fishing, real estate and construction. My former company, East Coast Motions produced Television Programs about the Outer Banks.

If you put me in a room full of CEO’s and Computer Geeks, I am the guy that can translate. When I started it took tractor trailer full of equipment to do what a cell phone does today.    From building a complete commercial production facility to designing a National Network for VLAN, MPLS and VPN, I have done it all.

There is no better way to learn than by doing. I am grateful to my many peers, mentors and instructors who have been kind enough to share their skills and knowledge. Pick up a book or seek out tutorials on subjects you are interested in. Education and Training are the keys to enlightenment.

It’s all about generating word of mouth-some mouths are just bigger than others. I have worked in production and sales for Radio, Broadcast Television and Cable TV. All advertising has a purpose and place. You need to have the juice to understand how it all works and relates. Social Media is all about content. Tie your marketing to good content and your message will find its target.

I have a great love of all things relating to surfing.   Board Sports have grown in popularity over the years.  Ocean and Lake Surfing is the hardest because you have to paddle out against the surf and capture the wave. Wake Surfing is the easiest because the boat picks you up every-time you fall or end a ride. Everything else is somewhere in between.  To get great shots you have to understand the sport from the inside out.

Getting involved in the community where you live, work and play isfundamental to me. I have always volunteered my personal time to causes and projects that I believe in.  When the kids in Wheeling WV needed a place to skateboard our committee raised over $350,000 to build a state of the art Skate Park from Grindline.